The Path: A Year Of Transforming
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung
Face your limiting blocks & watch them change
Embody the beliefs that align with your deepest desires
Embrace guidance & support through nature & community
Become your most authentic, liberated, loving & whole self
Mirroring the cycle of the seasons, The Path is a year long programme that will fertilise your inner landscape and deepen your relationship with the supporting and guiding aspects of us as nature.
Alongside a community of like-minded individuals you will end the year loving your most authentic self whilst feeling resourced and energised to sustain it into the future.
This is not a year about ridding ourselves of anything. This is a year of soothing whatever is in the way of you truly embodying that which you came here to be.
This year will re-establish your idea of what authenticity and the act of creation really is. It will equip you with the tools and practices to heal life long beliefs, enabling you to be in service to that which longs to be created through you.
“I thought I was coming to this year to work on my "art", turns out it has been about understanding more about myself and my blocks. Within the group it has been about noticing the similarities, not the differences, that connect us all. In my 1:1s with Laurie I move through challenging emotional releases in a safe and considered way and when we meet up each season we are offered nourishing days to connect and witness our humanity in a deeply healing way." - 2024 Participant

Gathering near Hampstead Heath in London and at Wakelyns Farm in Suffolk and online we will:
SEED in the spring by:
Setting intentions for the season
Seeding your visions through spiritual, creative and meditative exercises
Connecting to the group, nature and self through practices, ritual and ceremony
Observing the seeds as they begin to grow
Identifying and caring for needs, fears and limiting beliefs
Building structures, time frames and action plans as needed
LAND through the summer by:
Setting intentions for the season
Allowing your visions to land through continued creative and self care practices
Establishing your relationship with the abundant qualities of nature as your continued source of guidance, self-awareness and transformation
Making time under the warmth of the sun for intentional play, deep relaxation, finding joy in community and long moments of rest.
TEND into the autumn by:
Setting intentions for the season
Integrating creative and embodiment practices as you connect even deeper to the guidance of nature, self and community
Tending to your vision by attuning to the season of releasing what’s no longer needed
Building community and peer support practices for constructive insight, idea generation, resource sharing and feedback
Identifying further needs and sourcing support and solutions
Caring deeper for needs, fears and limiting beliefs
Reviewing and reaffirming structures, time lines and actions
NOURISH in the depths of winter by:
Setting intentions for the season
Nurturing and nourishing your vision through dedicated and integrated practices
Trusting and receiving guidance from nature, self and community as a source of active healing
Relaxing, resting, feeding and digesting. Making dedicated time for self-care and ritual
Committing to being held and nourished in stillness and solitude
Caring for needs, fears and limiting beliefs through supported, guided practice
BLOOM with the light by:
Setting intentions for the year ahead
Walking, moving and immersing yourself in wild nature
Being nourished by seasonal food from the land
Making time for some deep self-care and bonding with your community
Utilising integrated rituals and practices to fully embody a new relationship to your fears and limiting beliefs
Embracing ceremony as you embody your vision
Mapping out the plans to sustain and commit to the vision
Celebrating yourself, your community and walking this path forward together
“Healing yourself is connected with healing others. A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” - Yoko Ono
We will work as a group and 1:1
Group work will connect you with a community for life that will inspire and motivate you as we build peer support, generate ideas and walk this path together. By nurturing your relationship with like-minded individuals whilst being held by nature, the stronger, more enriched, nourished and interconnected you will feel.
Individual 1:1 work with me will give you the space to go inwards and do some lifelong healing. We will unearth, care for and completely transform deep-rooted fears. By unblocking, and thus releasing, attachments to our limiting beliefs, you will find freedom and flow in all areas of your life.
My intention through this time is to hold you and the community in deep, divine love, presence and wholeness. Meeting the fullness of you, we will meet your creative spirit, give it shape and witness you become the most authentic co-creator of your life. The seasons will act as our anchor and our source. Your connection with it will deepen through your commitment to the practices and your devotion to the process.
This is for you if you long to meet your most authentic, empowered creative self. Over time, as you come into alignment with the vision that wants to manifest through you, you will move forward on this journey magnetising your desires whilst knowing how to care for any fears that may arise in the process.
You will feel more attuned to nature as a lifelong guide and companion as you embody the energy and of what you were born here to do: To create.
"I think that the appropriate sub name for this year would be ‘The key to open your creative life’. I’ve been trying all different types of tools in order to get on top of my blocks and inability to fulfil myself creatively. The mix of in person group meeting, online meetings, one-to-one sessions, recommended practices and materials really works for me. I’m only halfway through the course, yet I’m already able to visualise and prioritise my creative outputs and the results are already here - my project already got two major pieces in the international press and new doors are opening constantly. If you are looking for a refreshing way to kickstart your confidence and productivity - this is for you." - 2024 Participant
“In limits, there is freedom. Creativity thrives within structure” - Julia Cameron
The structure
Nature is our guide as we start and end on the spring equinox. We will mirror the seasonal cycles as we seed, grow, tend, nurture and bloom. The year includes:
4 x 1 day spring, summer, autumn and winter in person gatherings in London
4 x 2hr spring, summer, autumn and winter online gatherings on zoom
12 x 90 minute monthly individual online 1:1 sessions on zoom
1 x 2 day in person final spring retreat in Suffolk
A programme of self-guided practices and exercises for in between group and 1:1 work
Unlimited support available throughout the year over email from Laurie
WhatsApp group for shared resources, inspirational reminders and peer support
Where and when
London venue: Highgate Society and Omved Gardens
For our London gatherings we will meet around Hampstead Heath. This will be the land on which we roam and connect to through ritual and ceremony as we watch your visions grow and take form. For the cooler months, we will make use of the Highgate Society or Omved Gardens as our base. Both are private spaces, very close to the Heath, with a number of cafes and shops within easy walking distance. More info on the venues here and here
Suffolk venue: Wakelyns Agroforestry farm
For the final spring weekend together we will stay in the farm’s 16th Century, Grade II listed building - a classic Suffolk longhouse arranged over three floors, with the oldest part of the house dating back around 500 years. Each shared, twin room is beautifully arranged with its own bathroom. We will be nourished with breakfast, lunch and dinner with food from the amazing Henrietta Inman of Wakelyns. You will see the food growing in the crop and tree alleys and observe Hen turn it from seed to soil to kitchen to plate. The farm itself is set in 23 hectares of land and is surrounded by the wild countryside of Suffolk. We will spend much time outside on the land and perhaps even take a dip in the nearby sea. You can read more about the farm here
Dates TBC
In person group gatherings
In person group retreat
Online group gatherings
Online 1:1 sessions
Is this for me? If you want to overcome any persistent blocks in your life, learn to truly love your most authentic self and connect with a supportive group for life - then yes, this year is for you. If you feel the calling, don’t hesitate, you have come here for a reason.
Can you share the core philosophy? I believe we are all here to create. The only difference between someone who makes their desires a reality vs someone who doesn’t are limiting beliefs. To be here means you have a longing to return to and channel your creative spirit. This year is designed to help shift you from fear and lack towards possibility and abundance. Through dedicated guidance and life long practices you will be preparing the ground to create freely, in all areas of your life, from here on.
How many people will be joining? Places are limited. I am only opening this up to 10 people so we form a deliberately intimate group. If you have been called to this section of the page, I attest that you are more than likely meant to be here. Much of my guidance, as you will experience, is not to question where spirit takes us. I myself have learnt to trust who comes my way - everyone with their own divine teaching to share. You will know if this is right for you, trust that knowing and say yes.
Do I have to commit to the whole year? Yes. For the coherence of the group and for you to realise your vision and get the most out of this journey, It requires your commitment. When you break down what you are required to attend, it may feel more digestible: 4 x in person London gatherings, 8 x 2hr online group gatherings, 12 x online 1:1 sessions and a 1 x 2 day Suffolk retreat. If you want to join but there are dates that you already know you can’t do, please reach out.
Will there be support in between the sessions?Absolutely. I will be available as and when you need for questions, advice and support. The 1:1 sessions will give us time for this specifically but if there is more you need beyond this, I would always encourage you to reach out. There will also be a dedicated whatsapp group for the year in which we can share things that are inspiring us, reflections on moments in the year and a place to land and be held by the group as you need. More than anything, I want for this to be a deeply impactful, productive and transformative year of connecting to your most authentic self - so whatever I can do to support that, I’m here.
Is there an age minimum? 21+ this is suitable for anyone who has enough life experience and a desire to commit to being the most authentic creative version of themselves.
What happens at the end of the year? Built into the weekend retreat in Suffolk and as part of our 1:1 sessions, we will be building in structures, practices and a plan to ensure any vision you have can be sustained within the context of your life. The community you form will be a huge, ongoing support and, along with me, your greatest champions. This programme is designed with community, accountability and support at the core. This is not something that will simply end at the end of the year. I will also be available post programme for you to book in for further 1:1 sessions to support you to sustain momentum as you launch your visions into the world.
I can’t pay all the money upfront, are there payment plans available? Absolutely. A deposit will be required upon signing up to secure your place but the remainder of the payment can be scheduled to land in batches across the year. Please don’t let finances be a barrier. Email me on info@laurienouchka.com and we can work out a plan that suits you, no questions asked.
Who is eligible for the subsidised place? This option is provided for people who are on a lower income and would struggle to meet the full payment. The full payment option covers all the costs and my time to support your involvement on the programme. If you feel this is too much of a financial stretch for you then you are welcome to apply for the subsidised rate. If the subsidised rate is unattainable for you, please email me info@laurienouchka.com and we can talk this through further. I encourage you not to let your finances be a barrier to joining.
I want to know more before I sign up, is this possible? Absolutely, just email me info@laurienouchka.com to book in for a free discovery call where we can meet one another and I can answer any remaining questions you might have.
Early bird: TBC
Standard : TBC
Subsidised place: TBC
4 x full day in person London gatherings
4 x 2hr group online gatherings
12 x 90 min 1:1 online sessions
1 x 2 day in person retreat in Suffolk including accommodation + food
Support & Guidance from Laurie via WhatsApp throughout the year
N.B: Accommodation and food costs included as part of the Suffolk retreat. Travel costs not included. Food at London gatherings not included.
Payment plans possible, please see FAQs below for more info